Getting started with Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to create our first arduino project. It will be a simple blinking light-emitting diode.

To install Arduino IDE on your Linux Mint system you should:
1. In the terminal type and install Arduino IDE

2. Add your user to the dialout group

where %username% is your username
3. Reboot your computer
4. Plug in your Arduino board. Open Arduino IDE and click Tools -> Serial Ports -> /dev/ttyACMx. There you should see the port number your Arduino board connencted.
5. Go to File -> Examples -> 01.Basics -> AnalogReadSerial and try to upload a project to your board. Everything should be ok.

For our project we need:
1x Arduino Uno
1x Breadboard
1x LED 5mm
1x 220 Ohm resistor
2x wires

Arduino project schematic:




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